
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Christmas Stencil Projects using Cutting Edge Stencils

I love the holidays! I love to decorate and spend time with my family and friends. With two littles in the house we're starting to DIY a lot more stuff for around the house. And when we make our Pumpkin Pillows from Cutting Edge Stencils the kids loved them and we had several compliments from friends who stopped by.

So now that the Christmas season is upon us I couldn't pass up a chance to make a new pillow and use a second stencil for a DIY table runner.

Using the box my pumpkin pillows came in I put in my  new pillow cover with stencil and secured it down.

Using my handy foam roller I rolled out all the parts I wanted in the red paint.

Then followed it with a stencil brush to paint the holly.

I happened to have some leftover black so I decided to take a small paint brush and add onto my holly leaves.

Once everything was completely dry I used my iron to set the paint so I could machine was the pillow  covers later.

Once I had all that finished I decided to add some red tassels to the corners to glam it up just a bit. I absolutely adore this little pillow. And those two red plaid pillows next to it.....well those are the inserts from the pumpkin pillows and I made them new covers using my big comfy floor pillows tutorial and scaled it down. I decided to do this because since we received these pillows from Cutting Edge Stencils my kids won't use the other pillows on the couch they are so comfortable.

After I finished my pillow for the couch I wasn't quite through. I had just built a new dining room table. (details coming to the blog soon) and my old table runner wasn't long enough! So what's a girl to do but make a new one.

I bought 3.5 yards of muslin fabric folded under the edges and sewed them down. But it was too plain. So I used this adorable script Noel stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils to make it look nice.

I laid the fabric on a piece of cardboard so the paint wouldn't bleed through onto a table, then secured it down using some clips and painted it in red and green just like my pillow.

Then I repeated on the other end, carefully removed the stencil, and let it sit till it was completely dry before ironing it as well so I could wash it when one of my children (or a friend) decides to spill something on it.

I love how simple and beautiful the script looks with my big farmhouse table. It's the perfect view when coming into the dining room from the kitchen.

I hope you enjoy the holiday season with your family and friends. If it'll slow down here I'm going to get some extra muslin and make some dinner napkins to match for our big Christmas dinner.  Cheers.

1 comment:

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