So 2 weeks ago I posted about Building a Kids Table. Once you have a table you have to have a place to sit...am I right? The plans are from Ana White but I modified the plans to make stools instead since our kids are quite crazy (we have one small wooden chair that was given to us and it ends up toppled over due to kids sitting on the back.)
So here's how it went down. I turned the space heater on and got to measuring.
I cut all my wood to size according to the plans except for the back legs. I cut them to the same size as the front legs.
Make sure you're wearing your protective ear and eyewear.
I then used my Kreg Jig to drill my pocket holes for the aprons to makes the base of the stool.
After the pocket holes were added, I assembled the base of the stool making sure that everything was square as I worked. Then using the pocket holes I screwed the legs onto the base.
That's a pretty good looking stool so far.
Then I carefully measured in-between the legs to add the supports.
Added a few quick pocket holes and forced it into the gap.
Next up was adding the slats to the top.
Using my counter sink drill bit I drilled both ends of every slat.
Secure the slats onto the base of the stool with screws.
The last step is to sand everything down as smooth as you can. It's bad enough the kids are going to flip them over pretending they are mountains but theres no need for them to get splinters too.
There you have it. A nice little stool for you Kids Table!