Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Big Comfy Floor Pillows

I love love love to read. I read as often and for long as I can. I even re-read books more times that I can count. It's one of the things I really want my kids to love too. So when I saw giant floor pillows on Pinterest I knew I had to make them for myself the kids.

I knew I didn't want to sew a pillow and use batting to fill it (had to be a pillow and pillowcase) because who knows what my kids will spill on it and I want to be able to treat any stains on both the pillow and pillowcase.

One small problem...I can barely sew a straight line so how am I supposed to sew a zipper?!? Well thanks to Pinterest I found this little gem!

I bought fabric when it was on sale at Joann's I think I paid $3 or $4 per yard (I bought a yard because I like to use scraps for other projects). I bought two 24x24 pillows for half off at Joann's they cost me roughly $24 total. Two 18" zippers (I honestly don't remember what they cost!)

So here's how it went down:

I cut two 25x25 inch squares. I gave myself an extra inch for errors...since I'm learning to sew straight. (I use a disappearing pen I got at Joann's to use with my handy metal ruler to help me sew a straight line.)

I set up in the dining room on my large folding table (leftover from Thanksgiving dinner). I chose to use two different fabrics per pillow. It's the same pattern on both fabrics but different colors.

To start turn the right side of both fabrics so they face each other then make your first seam across the fabric (using a larger stitch) then find your iron and press the seam open. 

The two different fabrics for my sons pillow.

Now you're going to lay the zipper wrong side up with the seam and pin it down so it doesn't go anywhere.

The zipper is pinned down...I can do this! 

Next sew all the way around the zipper and then using a seam ripper from the other side tear the seam open where the zipper runs.
Easy peasy!

Don't forget to leave the zipper open when you sew the rest of the pillow so you can turn it right side out when you are done! (I forgot to open the zipper the second time through and it took me a while to get it open.)

Sew the three remaining sides to enclose remember to make your stitches closer together now that your done with the zipper. 

The fabric from my daughters pillow.

When the remaining sides are sewn cut the corner off just above where your seams intersect so you can get a nice corner in the pillow when you turn it right side out. (I'm sure there's a technical term but I don't know the proper lingo.)  

Turn it right side out and there you go! A pillow case! Now it's time to stuff a pillow inside and Voila!

I'm pretty happy with both of these!

Total it took me several hours to get these done. Caring for two little ones, making dinner and you know the usual stuff that happens when mom tries to do something without interruptions, I was finally finished with my their pillows after they went to bed. 


  1. Love!!! I'll definitely have to keep your zipper trick in mind on my future projects!!! I may just borrow this idea to make my own (slightly modified/bigger) floor pillow/beds for the puppies!!!!

  2. You lost me at sewing machine ;( These did turn out great.. love big floor pillows.

    1. Aimee I used to feel that way too! It's a lot easier than you would think!

  3. So nice, but I can't sew buttons & would more than likely not end up with these awesome pillows.

    1. Jeanae buttons are a whole different story! Rumor has it my machine and put them on stuff...I"m still skeptical.

  4. I love comfy floor pillows! Great job.
    Spatulas On Parade

  5. There are seven vertebrae or bones in the neck, numbered C1 through to C7. A good pillow will support the "C" curve of the neck and keep the spine in proper alignment when a person is lying on their back.
    best pillow for sleeping india
